Written by: Rick Garner Case Filed: 6/19/23 Executive Producer: Rick Garner Urban legends. We love ‘em. They are the nightmare fuel of campfire and sleepover stories. Virginia happens to have an urban legend that many may have heard growing up. And many more have found online. The story goes that if you are at a bridge on Colchester Road in Fairfax County, Virginia, on Halloween at midnight, you’ll be murdered by the Bunnyman. The lore has the important pieces: a date, an asylum and the crashing of a transport bus. In 1904, an asylum stood not far from the bridge. The asylum closed and patients were being transported to a new location. The bus had an accident and all the inmates were accounted for…except for one. The escaped mental patient was named Douglas Griffon. After the crash, he disappeared. Weeks passed, and rabbit corpses began appearing in the woods. Douglas was apparently eating bunnies to stay alive. This went on for a while. On Halloween night at...