Written by: Rick Garner Case Filed: 7/6/21 Executive Producer: Rick Garner In March 2001, Rick Garner was solo investigating 14 Mile Creek in Raymond, Mississippi, at dusk. Using only an audio recorder and a Nikon digital camera, he asks questions into the darkness while taking flash photography. Upon reviewing evidence, the most startling photo Rick or the team had ever taken before or since was discovered. For years, nothing was known about the entity until in May 2019, Maryam the Medium examined the image and revealed many details - bringing life to the image. Rick Garner returned to the same location in May 2021. Watch to see if he makes contact with Creekboy and resolves this mystery. Read about the first investigation here: https://www.unexplainedcases.com/2001/03/field-reports-from-raymond-mississippi.html ABOUT UNEXPLAINED CASES: The Unexplained Cases team is focused on preserving history while documenting the strange, paranormal and unexplained. What ...